Saturday, September 30, 2006

Get Ready

Get Ready, cause here I come! (1970s hit by Rare Earth)
This is the first post of the blog, which will mainly be messages to my as yet unborn daughter, right now at about 26 weeks gestation in her mom's womb.
I'm calling your your blog sister sabra because we haven't yet agreed on a name for you. We've been trying out a few different names, but I won't say what the others are right now, but just say that Sabra is a leading candidate for what we will call you.
I think the first thing I have to tell you about is your brother Noah. He would have been a year old two days ago, but he died just before he was born. He was a beautiful boy, and had developed just right until just before he was born, and something went wrong and he died. We don't know exactly what happened and we never will. Your mother and I have been pretty sad about this since it happened. We've had some ups and downs this last year, but the last week, thinking about what we went through a year ago has been especially hard. In June, we staged an event called "Noah's Quest," which was a walk/run fundraiser for maternal/fetal research and support group called Breif Encounters. That made us feel like we were doing something for Noah, and for other parents like us who had lost children. All of the participants in the event got a pair of socks that said Noah's Quest on them. Since then, we've been taking pictures of the socks in various places to show that Noah's spirit has been there, too. So, he's been to the top of mt. Adams, Cape Kiwanda, the Race for the Cure, and Safeco Feild. This picture is from the top of mt. Adams.

On Noah's birthday, here's what we did. We made thank you cards for a few people who have helped us heal from this loss and took them to their places of work. We also bought some gifts that we might have bought for Noah if he were alive and gave them to a children's hospital. We visited the cemetary where he is buried and took another picture of his socks there. We also visited the Library where there are bricks with his name on them.
I had to tell you about this because it helps explain why we are nervous about your arrival. You are healthy so far and will be here soon, but we are still nervous because of what happened to your brother. Your mom was at the doctor yesterday and they took some pictures of you and you look wonderful. I am anxious to see you in person.
Tomorrow I am going to go see your grandmother while she is walking the Portland Marathon. She's almost 74 and I am really proud of her for doing the Marathon again. She's walked it several times, even though once she had a mild heart attack while doing it.
Well, that seems enough for now. Just remember, we're watching you.....