Monday, May 05, 2008

Now I know my ABCs

Hi Sidra,

It’s been too long since the last post. You’ve been doing some amazing things. We think they are amazing but they might be pretty normal for someone your age. In any case, some of the things you do seem like you are ahead of your time.

For instance, you know your ABCs. Well, actually you know A, B and C. We have alphabet magnets on the refrigerator and when we ask you to get the letter A and bring it to us you can do it. You can also do it with B and C. Yesterday I asked you if you could bring me the letter D. You brought me 3 letters, but one of them was D.

You are getting pretty good with sign language, too. Some of the signs you know really well, and others you haven’t caught on to. But you are getting better at using them in the right context. I’m trying to get you on video doing some of the signs, but it might take a while to get some good, edited video of it.

Another thing I want to get a recording of is you making your ‘happy song’ while eating. I remember being teased about doing this when I was about six years old. Maybe you won’t keep doing it that long. I think it might be something you inherited from me. This morning you were sitting on my lap trading spoonfuls of cherrios with me and singing really loudly. It was a hoot.

Your speed is increasing, too. You almost always run (although I will say that running for you right now doesn’t mean full strides) instead of walking. I love the pitter patter sound you make when you are ‘running’ this way.

You also like to climb. You can see that in a couple of the pictures. You are moved to try climbing on just about anything, and that makes you a bit of a daredevil. Which brings to mind an incident from a couple of weeks ago. You were jumping on the couch. I was sitting on the couch as your spotter. You bounced toward the end of the couch and when you got there you backed into the arm of the couch and started a backflip over it. I caught you by the ankle in time to keep you from landing on your head on the hardwood floor. You might have gotten a little bit of whiplash when I pulled you back up, but it was better than landing headfirst on the floor.

AND, you’ve tinkled in your potty twice already. I think we lucked out by giving you a chance to do it right before the shower or the bath. Your first time was Thursday night and you did it again on Saturday night. We don’t think you’re going to be finished with diapers next week or anything, but it was pretty exciting.

I am really looking forward to this summer when I get to spend a lot of time with you. Both of us are going to learn a lot and have a good time doing it.

Love, aba