Friday, August 22, 2008

Books, Books, Books!

Hi Sidra,

Well, my summer vacation is over. Actually I have two more days before I go back to work but it’s the weekend and it seems like Sunday will be a day of getting ready to be back on the road several days a week. Enough about me, this blog is about YOU! So, what have you been doing?

You have become a voracious reader. You absolutely love books. You will spend time looking at them on your own besides having them read to you. You have your favorites and they go in cycles but you really like seeing new books, too. One of the things you’ve been able to do lately is fill in some of the words if we pause our reading to let you do it. Your improved speaking skills are helping you do that. A couple of the books you have came with music on CD and you enjoy looking at the book and following along with the music.

I wanted to comment on one of your favorite books. Actually I should probably say one of your favorite characters. Of course you like Winnie the Pooh since your mom has encouraged that but an unlikely favorite is this kid David who is in one of the pictures here. The picture is the cover of one of the David books. We also have another book featuring David home from the library. He seems unlikely as a favorite because he’s kind of a rebel and onery. He is always getting in trouble and being told “NO” as the book title suggests. He also has some nasty looking teeth that make him look like a pretty mean dude.

I just wonder if you see him as a bit of a hero. Inasmuch as he pushes the envelope of trouble making, yet he is still loved by his parents. I wonder if you will be like David, always trying to get away with as much as possible.

You are also getting pretty good at recognizing the ten digits and in fact, the first ten counting numbers. I keep trying to get that on video but part of the problem is that you are too soft spoken and the microphone doesn’t quite pick it up. We’ll leave that for another post.

This past week we took a quick trip to Seaside and you saw the Pacific Ocean again. You really like the beach. You didn’t seem to remember the taste of sand from the last trip and had to try it again. You also swam twice in the motel pool and took two rides on a carousel.

Oh, I almost forgot. We had a three day heat wave last week and you enjoyed your wading pool in the front yard. One of the picture is of you trying to drink from the hose. We had a good laugh about it.

More soon……

Love, aba

Friday, August 01, 2008

Working Girl

Hi Sidra,

This post is just to share some cute pictures of you. Your mom got you a little work apron and you had it on the other morning. I put some tools in your hands to make it look like you were doing some ‘do it yourself’ projects. I had stuffed some things in your pockets before you came outside, too. The rattle in one of your pockets worked great, like a cowbell so I could tell where you were going.

I took you swimming yesterday and you had a great time. It was sort of nap time when we got done so you fell asleep in the bike trailer on the way home. It looked like it was going to be too hard to get you out without waking you so we let you finish your nap in the garage.

Love, Aba