Sunday, May 03, 2009

Growing Up Fast

Hi Sidra,
Well you've moved on from puzzles. Not that you've given them up entirely but you're not as riveted by them as you were a couple months ago.

Your new thing is the Leapfrog, which you call by that name, or 'mouse' or my 'computer.' It's a like a beginner computer. It has a keyboard and mouse, and you connect it to a TV monitor. It is set up in the guest room. A month ago when your mom got it for you you weren't too excited about it. Now you ask to do it and we've given you a limit of time whenever you play with it but you can pretty much work the whole thing on your own now.

The one software cartridge that we have is Dora the Explorer. There are some good activities included but a few are really only video game training. I guess their main function is training you to work the mouse. The only problem is that the mouse doesn't always work right, freezing on the screen a lot, and makes it difficult to navigate. There is one game were you have to click on matching items and I have seen you match them all in 48 seconds, but if the mouse worked better you could have done it in 20.

Now I really need to tell you what you did on April 10. It was Friday, and I had been away at school for a few days. When I pulled in the driveway that evening you and your mom were up the street a ways talking to some neighbors. You ran full tilt down the sidewalk yelling 'daddy, daddy, daddy!' Then you gave me the best hug ever. I'll never forget it. Thanks.

Another item in the grown up department is your toilet habits. You just spent the afternoon in what we are calling 'big girl underwear' with no accidents. They are a training pant, really just double thickness underwear, but you were pretty proud of yourself and claimed to really like them. Also, we've probably only had to change one poopy diaper in the last 2 weeks. That's mostly because we make you sit on the potty quite frequently and you don't mind sitting there quite a while if we are reading you some books. Yesterday you actually told you mom with accuracy that you needed to go. It seems like progress.

I'm going to add a video here when I get a chance. Here it is. It's not like you are really begging to ride the bike yet. We have to ask you if you want to ride it. I got probably 99% of your ride today on camera. But I am excited that you can handle it yourself a lot better now. Once you get the feel of where you can go with it you will probably take to it like you do swimming. We did that today, too, and you still have no fear and will jump in and off the stairs with abandon, even though I have to be there to pull you out. Soon you will have the same daring with the bike, i'm sure.

Love, Aba