pro bike racers have a saying that applies to a dominating performance, so
that at the finish there’s “nobody else in the photo.” You dominated the bike derby yesterday. I was ‘blown away’ (Uncle Ben’s term again)
by your performance. As it unfolded and
you did everything just as we told you it should be done I was just
mom and I have taken a little teasing about the fact that we coached you and
took you to practice on the track where the race was held. We can take some credit for preparing
you. However, you performed it. It’s like in the movie we watched recently-
Ice Princess. The leading character was
a terrific physics student but a novice ice skater. She used physics and her computer to teach some friends how to do
their jumps and spins better. After
experiencing the improvement a skater gave credit to the physics student and
her computer. The physics student said,
“The computer didn’t make that jump, you did.”
So we gave you some advice, but you rode the bike and applied the
the bike derby your friend Logan came over for a visit. The two of you and your sister went for a
dip in our backyard pool. Later, you
and Logan were standing on the lounge chair and trying to sing “Teenage Dream”
by Katy Perry. It’s a catchy tune and I
like it too so I downloaded it and played it so you could sing along. I was enjoying your innocence, how you were
connected to the music for it’s own sake and not the underlying message in the
lyrics. I’m pretty sure neither of you
understand what “Let’s go, all the way tonight” means.
we went to the carnival (midway) that is in town for the mountain
festival. You went on your first roller
coaster ride and a few others that you’d been on before. One attraction that you didn’t complete was
the Monkey Fun House. On the bottom
floor it is a maze of glass and mirrors.
It’s not that sinister because you are always able to see out through
the glass and receive advice from the handlers. You tried a couple of times to go through but got scared and
backed out. While you were going up and
down the nearby big slide your sister was able to make it through the maze by
herself. Later, Shira took your hand
hoping to lead you through. She was on
track but you resisted her direction and turned to flee again. On the way out you took a wrong turn and
went face first into a pane of glass.
were pretty shook up about it and I think you’re feeling like you’re flawed
because everyone else including your little sister was able to get through
it. You vowed never to go back in
it. I said I would go through with you
next year and show you how to get through.
Well, to wrap up.... I was astounded about how easily you won the bike derby.
Love, Aba