Friday, September 28, 2007

Another Milestone

Hey Sidra,
Tomorrow you will be 9 months old. But today, your brother would have been 2 years old. So while we are interested in your milestone, today we are thinking a lot about your brother.

A year ago when I started this blog I told you about how we had begun a charity event in your brother's name. I said we had been taking the socks with his name on them with us to various places so we could feel his presence with us. That's why I am including more pictures of it in places we visited. One is you in your stroller outside Fenway Park in Boston. You and I were waiting for your mom and uncle Ben on Yawkey Way just outside the ballpark. They were inside the souvenir shop. The other is at Lexington green. Lexington is an important site in American History. A military band was doing a photo shoot at the statue when I was there.

Today we are going to do the same things we did last year on Noah's birthday, except this year you will be with us and Parker won't be.
I brought 3 stones from Pollalie trailhead where I parked my car while I was at work yesterday. We will put them on Noah's grave marker.

We still think about him all the time. I call on his spirit when I am in a difficult situation and he helps me through it. I know that whatever I am suffering it isn't as bad as what he endured. I still think of him every day. I was just thinking yesterday that you two would have made a dynamic duo. The energy the two of you would have produced would have been pretty amazing.

Well, you are pitching a bit of fit right now, so I guess I will wrap this up for now.
Love, aba

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Hi Sidra,
well it has been just one month since the last post, so I guess it is time for an update. We were thinking that you might not ever crawl, but you did it. You started getting around on your own about 2 weeks ago, and you haven't slowed down since. As you can see, you move so fast it's hard to get a good picture of you doing it.
Since you started crawling, you've also been getting a lot better at moving around stuff on your own. That includes getting better at pulling yourself up from sitting to standing. Your mom and I are going to have our hands full keeping you out of dangerous stuff for a while. You like to check out anything that you haven'
t had a hold of before, and that includes a lot of stuff.
It's getting cooler out now, so it looks like you might not be swimming for a while. We might take you to an indoor pool sometime, but for now swimming is a low priority.
You have been getting a little better at sleeping all night. We have been trying to feed you plenty in the evenings so you won't wake up hungry. It's working slowly. You are beginning to eat a lot more. We have given you a few things to eat on your own, that is, to pick up and feed yourself. You seem to only be getting about half the cheerios you pick up into your mouth.
You are definitely not an early teether. You are getting close to 9 months old and we haven't seen any teeth yet.
I have been back at school for about a month, and that means that I haven't been seeing you as much. This past week was the first that you were watched by Claire, your mom's good friend, while your mom was at work. I have to admit I thought of you two having that time together and was a little jealous. It has made me cherish the weekends with the family much more.
That's all for now,
Love, aba
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