Thursday, March 27, 2008

Spring Break 08

Hi Sidra,

It’s been too long since the last post. I’m rally behind. I am on spring break right now, so I haven’t been working everyday so that excuse is gone. But, not working has allowed you and I to hang out a lot this week. You continually amaze your mom and I. You are going to be 15 months old in two days. You are a real chow hound, eating everything we eat (that we let you eat) and some ‘baby’ food too.

You continue to enjoy being read to, and you have some favorite books. We haven’t been reading (singing) Snuggle Puppy too much lately, but I hope we can get that on video before you grow out of it. While I am sitting on the floor singing to you, you lean on my shoulder and drink it in. Those are some real special moments. I guess the books you like best are Color Farm, Good Night Moon, Good Night Gorilla, and Runaway Bunny. But that could change next week.

Another thing that is really cool is that you seem to be able to identify most of your books. For instance, we can ask you to pick a certain book out of the basket or off the shelf, and you can find the right one. I am impressed that you can get the right one off the shelf when only the bindings are visible.

We’ve been having some difficulties with the video devices lately but I do have a good clip of you on your slide without a spotter that shows off your athletic ability. You really enjoy climbing on anything but the slide gives the reward of a fun descent after you’ve been to the top. You seemed to quickly learn how to swing your leg over the top nicely.

The earlier posts show some pictures of you in the snow this winter, well, it’s past the spring equinox and we have snow on the ground here again this morning.

The tooth count right now is 10. You have four on top front, two front bottom and four molars, one each side top and bottom. The molars seem really sharp, I guess they haven’t had a chance to get worn down.

Here is the video of you sliding. In the photo above, you are sitting in one of your toy baskets playing (well at least blowing through) the recorder.

Love, aba


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