Monday, September 01, 2008

First Visit to the Emergency Room

Hi Sidra,

I know that sounds like an ominous title, as if we’re expecting many more visits to the emergency room. Well, I’m guessing it’s not going to be the last but I’d like to see it stay below a rate of once every five years. For the record, your injury occurred on the day you became 20 months old, which coincidentally was our 4th anniversary.

So, how did it happen? We’re not sure exactly. You twisted your ankle somehow. It may have happened when I let you down from the chair I always eat on and you frequently join me on to share whatever I’m eating. At the time I thought you were just upset about being let down, but it’s possible you’d gotten your foot caught between the chair and your desk that was nearby at the time. All we really know is that later that evening when we were in the shower, you couldn’t put any weight on your right foot. It was pretty late, so we decided to give you Tylenol and ice it, and then see how well you slept.

You slept pretty well, actually. However, the next morning when you took your first steps of the day, you cried out and recoiled again. So we iced some more while you watched a ‘Signing Times’ video and got ready to take you in to the ER. It was really the Urgent Care that we brought you to get a professional opinion. After a lot of waiting and a wrestling match with you on the x ray table it was determined that you had no fractures and you were released without restrictions. The doctor figured you could decide on your own if it was too painful to walk on. The truth is that by the time we left there you were beginning to walk on it without complaint. By the next day, you were back to full speed.

The picture here of the sticker you got to bring home will probably be the only souvenir you will have from the incident. I mean, no bruises, no cast, no bandage.

As I said at the top I hope that this kind of visit doesn’t become a habit but you are a daredevil so we may do this again someday.

Love, aba

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