Saturday, July 11, 2009


hi Sidra,

Two days ago you entered your first competition and everyone learned a little something about how things may go for you in future competitions. We learned some things about you and about ourselves.
The event was the 'bike derby' for kids that is part of the local Mountain Festival. Your mom was once the director of this event and was assisting the current director. You competed in the 3 and under age group and you raced about 30 meters. You may have had the best coaching available, since your mom and I know a little bit about the event and began telling you about it 2-3 days ahead of time. You were also the only one in your heat on a 'runner' bike. The others were all on three wheelers. Anyway, you won the event and had a big smile afterward. I had a really strong reaction to seeing you win, I guess pride is the best description of what I was feeling.

Your mom and I were laughing at each other afterward at our competitiveness and how we reacted to what happened. As I said before, you won your heat and we had discussed wondering how you would have done against the winner of the other heat. I didn't see that heat because I was chasing you down since you continued around the track after your race. We had noticed in the 'warm ups' that there was another kid with a runner bike that looked pretty capable on it. Your mom and I joked with each other that you're only 2½ and we're thinking like 'on to the regionals!'

At that point I thought that your mom and I pretty close in our level of 'little league parent' syndrome. That was before I saw and heard the video she took of the race. I will let the readers and viewers decide who is the greater fanatic. The video is presented twice, once with a music soundtrack and once with naked audio.

I have to say that my thoughts as a watched you get ready for the race with the other kids I was reminded of a passage in Bill Strickland's book 'Ten Points.' He describes a situation that you and I may be destined to recreate in a few years. He and his daughter were at the start of a charity bike ride. They were going to ride with him on a regular bike and his daughter on a 'trail a bike' behind him. His daughter had looked over the other participants and said 'Dad, we can beat these guys.' He cringed, of course, knowing that confidence in competition is both good and best kept to oneself. I can see that same scene playing out in our future.

Another thought that struck me in the aftermath is that I know we will continue to give you chances to compete and I hope that you enjoy that. I hope that whatever stress you feel to succeed comes from within and not from pressure exerted by others. Just know that we will do whatever we can to help you reach your goals and will be your biggest cheerleaders.

The captions to the pictures: 1) Lounging with uncle Ben, 2) Ribbons from the bike derby, 3) a little mini train ride we went on right here in Sandy with cousin Rachel.

Enjoy the video,
love, Aba

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