Monday, December 10, 2012

Kiddie Kross, Ukeule, Tae Kwon Do, Soccer

At the Kiddie Kross

On a hike with Grandma

Front Kick

Showing off my High White belt

Hi Sidra,

You are a busy girl.  Your mom has scheduled you into many activities besides school.  Well, I got you into a couple things, too.  I thought I should share some of them. 

First of all I took you (and your sister) to a few Kiddie Kross races.  They are bike races held on varied terrain and coincide with adult races called cyclocross.  Both your mom and I have raced in these events in the past and have enjoyed them.  That’s why we thought you might like them.  The kiddie races are usually around the midday, as the adult races run all through the morning and afternoon with different age and ability groups.  Sometimes the kiddie course is separate from the adult course.  That’s the best thing for the kids because that means the course is probably a little easier and you get to practice on it a lot before and after the actual race.  Sometimes the course is part of the adult course and the kids can’t go on it except when the adult races are stopped.  That actually only happened once. 
We went to races in Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Barlow High School and Edgefield Manor.  The first two were probably the best experience because the weather was nice and the courses were good.  You got your first taste of having to dismount and carry your bike over a barrier.  At the Edgefield race you had your first time on what’s called a “run up.”  That’s where the course is intentionally made so steep you have to get off your bike and push or carry it up.  That’s what you’re doing in the video posted here. 

Naturally, you played another season of soccer this fall.  You have become a better focused, more aggressive soccer player.  I think it helped that you’re not the youngest/smallest anymore.  Last year, you never contested an a opponent or a teammate for a loose ball, but this year you did.  You still don’t understand some of the strategy of the game, but you’re getting there.  I think the highlight of the season was when you scored a goal by taking control of the ball at about mid field and going all the way.  The fact that your Grandma and Grandpa were there to see it brightened an otherwise miserable (because of the weather) day. 

Your piano lessons have ended or are at least on hold but you’ve taken up the ukulele.  Your mom got a local performer she knows to come to the house to teach you.   It seems like your level of enthusiasm for it is following a similar path as it did with the piano.   You were really into it a first but that energy has waned.  For instance, when I had you play and sing for the video you wouldn’t do a song that featured more than one cord and put very little effort into demonstrating all the chords you know when I asked you to do that.

You’ve started Taekwando lessons and have already earned an upgraded “belt.”  You began with a white belt and last week took the test to earn a ‘high white’ ranking.  So your belt is now white with a black stripe through the middle.  It’s a good program for you.  They train you in fitness, discipline, and confidence.  You can’t argue with the rules: 1) always respect your parents, 2) always do your best in school, and 3) always believe in yourself.  I think you’ve bought into it.  Your enthusiasm hasn’t waned yet.  One challenge you have is staying focused for the whole session.  You usually fade a little in the last 10 minutes or so.  

You will be performing in your school's holiday program this week.  You have an solo speaking part.  You will be reciting a Channuka poem  that you learned from your aunt Jane.  You've already performed it for the congregation at Beit Havarim twice.  Once during the Friday night family service the night before Channuka and once for the group gathering after Sunday school.  I got to see the Friday performance but not Sunday.  We didn't have a camera ready so I had you reprise it tonight so I could record it.  

I was lucky to be able to attend a conference with your school teacher.  Usually it's too hard to make it because I'm working.  Anyway, she confirmed what your mom and I believe, that you're an incredible reader.  You have some focus issues occasionally but you're a great student.  You're not a math whiz but after talking with your teacher I'm not worried about that.  You're just not quite ready to be that yet.  

Love, Aba

Thursday, August 09, 2012

On Stage

Hi Sidra,
Here's a couple of performances you've done this summer.  The first is an encore of the number from your dance recital.  It was done at your Mom's Family Fun Fest event.  Your dance school was giving some demonstration performances and dancers were invited to come and perform.  You were the only one of your class to show up for rehearsal so you got to solo. At the moment that you were asked if you wanted to dance alone I fully expected you to refuse.  The dance instructor made an astute choice and had you dance second.  No pressure of being first and not enough time for nerves to cause you to back out.  I think you hit the steps pretty good but it's hard to tell because you didn't have to sync with anyone. 
The second one if from your "Regal Productions" camp.  This was a camp you did at the Multnomah Arts Center which I dubbed "Advanced Dress Up." It was about behaving regally and you just ate it up.  As you can see, you got to wear princess wings in the performance.  You would never have argued with that. I am impressed that in both of these instances you are poised and comfortable in front of an audience.

Love, Aba

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Spring 2012

Hi Sidra,

Wow, it has been a long time since I posted anything and you've been doing a lot of things that need to be reported.  I'll be telling you about your artistry, music, dance, tumbling, reading, camping  and sisterhood.

First I'll explain about your drawing that is pictured here.  It's not a particularly special one, I just wanted to show that this is a typical thing that you do with your drawings.  You've become a prolific drawer producing several drawings a day sometimes.  Often the drawings are about something that happened to you recently or a movie that you saw.  Then you tell us about what you drew. So I've posted a picture of one your drawings.  Along with it is a video interview about that drawing.  So, it's pretty typical of you to do the drawing and then give us a pretty good explanation of what's there.  

Next is your dance experience.  You went to a class called 'creative movement' weekly in Gresham ending with a recital which featured all the school's dancers.  Your dance bag had both tap and ballet shoes.  In the recital your number was kind of a modern dance routine.  Appearing here is a photo from the session with the commercial photographer.  We haven't actually received any proofs or prints yet, this we lifted from the facebook page of the photographer.  Your recital was a big affair that lasted a couple hours.  Your dance only lasted a minute or so, so there was a lot of waiting around backstage for you and your mom.  You were great in the performance, the first in the group to strike your opening pose and hitting all your transitions on cue.  I think you enjoyed being on stage. 

I've mentioned to you before that you have been a great big sister to Shira.  For the most part that has continued to be true.  Occasionally you are mean to her but mostly you are the big protector and guide for her.  Recently the two of you began a Kinder Gym class together.  The age range is just enough for you to be probably the oldest in the class while your sis is probably the youngest.  It was Shira's first such class.  You were a perfect guide and helper for her.  You made sure she got her turns, lined up right, and encouraged her as she attempted the moves. 

You are a reading sensation.  I'm not an expert of reading at your level but I think you read like a 3rd or 4th grader, but you'll just be starting Kindergarten.  I know the books that I remember reading in first and second grade would be too easy for you.  The coolest thing is when you sit down with your little sister and read to her.  I tried recording one of those sessions a few days ago but you were too soft spoken and the mic too far away to hear you very well.  It will have to remain one of those special moments that only I got to witness. 

The 2012 Bike Derby took place this week.  You did very well.  I didn't do so well coaching you, though.  I just made it to the track a few moments before the start of the race because I was with Shira at her art camp session.  I told you to pedal "cheetah fast" (which is your term) and go straight down the track.  I didn't realize that your group was going to be going a half way around the turn of the track.  You had a good position on the start line and began well.  At the end of the straightaway you were in second behind one boy.  But you were in an outside lane and stayed there.  So, two boys who were in inside lanes were able to pass you on the corner.  All the other riders stopped near the finish, but you continued on around and did a full lap without slowing down.  

We had a camping trip earlier this week, too.  In fact, we had to come home one night early so you could do the bike derby and Shira could do her art class.  Both of you would clearly have loved to stay longer.  We were at Timothy Lake south of Mt. Hood and our campsite had a beautiful view of the mountain.  You came into your own as an off road bike rider there.  Your mom is calling you 'Champ' now because of how well you did.  She took you on some pretty challenging sections of trail and you didn't flinch, always ready for more.  Indeed, you got up in the morning and did a little riding before breakfast or changing out of your jammies.  You also did quite a bit of swimming in the lake, too.  Both your mom and I took you out for short trips in the Kayak.  You're not quite ready for paddling but maybe next year. 

You've been taking piano lessons.  I have been trying to learn how to play with you.  I've been wanting to learn for a while now and it seemed like we could learn together and it might help motivate you to practice.  After your last lesson the teacher thinks a break is in order for you.  You seem distracted and unfocused during the lessons.  This last time you blamed it on the anticipation of visit from an adult friend that didn't materialize.  In any case you say that you want to keep having the lessons but you don't practice nearly as hard as I do or seem that engaged when your teacher is here.

Another activity you've been taking part in is gymnastics.  You've been through a couple of sessions last fall and this last spring.  That experience has helped you be one of the more accomplished tumblers in your mom's Tuesday Tumbling class at your school.  When you are focused, that is.  Sometimes you seem checked out of the activity and just going through the motions, as you did in the tumbling show at the school's open house.  When you're in gymnastics class you have similar bouts of inattention.  When focused, you do very well.  It's a bit perplexing because you're always very happy to brag and say 'did you see me do _____' when you have your head in the game. 

Maybe the most engaging thing of the last few months is your developing conversational ability and curiosity.  You frequently ask the meaning of words and then use them appropriately a little later.  Or you ask about how something works and listen carefully to the explanation.  You've caught on to my habit of repeating a fun line from a movie or story.  My problem is that I haven't seen all your movies from start to finish and it's easy for you to stump me. 

We covered a lot of ground here because you've been busy.  There will be more coming because you're a busy girl thanks to your mom's scheduling. 

'til next time,
love, aba

One of your drawings

Sleepy sisters after swimming

Sweet sisters at Kinder Gym

A collection of needlework from school

Your stitched pillow

Morning Ride by the lake

Showing mom how it's done
Dressed to dance
Explaining the drawing
A little ditty
Cruisin' the trails

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Showing Off

Hi Sidra,
Quoting your uncle Ben, I'm "blown away" by what you did last night.  Your mom has changed the focus of her open mic nights she promotes for the city.  Now it's an event for kid performers rather than adults.  Last night was the first one and this proud dad has to say that you stole the show.  There was another impressive performer but he's 11 so it's hard to make a comparison.

What did you perform?  You sang two songs solo and teamed with a friend on another song.  You also did a reading of your kid version of "Tangled," the Disney story of Rapunzel. 

Your confidence in front of the audience was like that of a seasoned artist.  You were calm and played the crowd like a veteran.  While singing the valentine song you improvised a little and named people in the audience in the key parts of the verse.  You made eye contact with the principal characters in your song and played to the camera a little.  While reading your story you had the presence to show the audience the pictures in the book (until I suggested that it would take too long to do that on every page) and took care to speak into the mic.  You weren't even ruffled when the sound system squeaked out a little feedback.

In video of your book reading perhaps the most important member of the audience is visible.  Your kid sister can be seen actually looking "up" to you.  You could not been a better role model for her at that moment.  She adores you and takes your lead on nearly everything.  She's clearly willing to fill your shoes if she could.  It's wonderful that she has such a great standard to aspire to. 

Only recently have you said anything about what you want to be when you grow up.  Whoops, I mean other than being a princess.  Recently you said you wanted to be a fashion designer and sew your own clothes.  After you came home last night you said you might consider being a storyteller.  And in a moment of grace, you thanked your mom for setting up the program that you performed in. 

That's all for now....

Love, Aba