Thursday, August 09, 2012

On Stage

Hi Sidra,
Here's a couple of performances you've done this summer.  The first is an encore of the number from your dance recital.  It was done at your Mom's Family Fun Fest event.  Your dance school was giving some demonstration performances and dancers were invited to come and perform.  You were the only one of your class to show up for rehearsal so you got to solo. At the moment that you were asked if you wanted to dance alone I fully expected you to refuse.  The dance instructor made an astute choice and had you dance second.  No pressure of being first and not enough time for nerves to cause you to back out.  I think you hit the steps pretty good but it's hard to tell because you didn't have to sync with anyone. 
The second one if from your "Regal Productions" camp.  This was a camp you did at the Multnomah Arts Center which I dubbed "Advanced Dress Up." It was about behaving regally and you just ate it up.  As you can see, you got to wear princess wings in the performance.  You would never have argued with that. I am impressed that in both of these instances you are poised and comfortable in front of an audience.

Love, Aba

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