Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hi Sidra,
You graduated from Kindergarten recently. It is a big milestone. There was a cute ceremony marking the occasion. I thought there would be more solo performing by each student but there were 23 other classmates so that would have been time consuming.  There were several songs and everyone had a solo part or two. Each of you also made a short statement about what your favorite subjects were.
My favorite part of the evening was the ballroom dancing. It turns out you learned how to party in kindergarten! You had two dance partners, Jack and Kellen. In the video posted here you are dancing with Jack. He was a hard working if not polished performer. He was strong but didn't harness it well, spinning you wildly a couple of times. In any case, you two can be seen sort of battling each other for the rhythm. It was nice to see that you have grown beyond the wild punkish dance offs you used to do with Mike and Sarah.
The ceremony was exciting but it was nicer to see the notebook of your work  Your penmanship has really improved.  The notebook contains a lot of journals that show off both your writing and artistic skill.  I've included a couple here that represent some of your favorite themes.  One is about you and your mom going snowboarding and the other is about bike riding with your sister.  
For a while you were not very interested in piano but recently you have become much more excited about playing. I really enjoyed having you teach me how to play Yankee Doodle and performing our duet which appears in the video.  The Facebook audience didn't care much for it but it's one of the coolest things you and I have done together. 

Your bicycling skills have really improved also.  You now can jump off curbs, pedal backwards while coasting and use your handbrakes very well.  You can pedal off the saddle just like a champion mountain biker as you ride through the grass and uphill. One thing you haven't mastered yet is shifting your gears and hopefully we will improve on that before the bike derby.
Water Color from school

Journal from 3/20/13

Journal from 3/31/13
Happy Graduate

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