Friday, November 10, 2006


Hey there,
I am writing to tell you that I just turned 50 years old last week. Normally I don't make a big deal of my birthdays and really didn't want to on this one either. But, a few months ago your mom threw me a big suprise party. Since it was quite a while until my real birthday was going to happen, she really caught me by suprise and it turned out to be a lot of fun. I'm glad she did it, it shows how much she cares about me. I gave her a suprise party when she turned 40, but I didn't do a very good job of hiding it. She sort of knew it was going to happen, just not when. But the night we had her party, by the time she got home, she had it figured out.
But I didn't really want to write about parties, I wanted to write about age. Since I'm 50, I'm going to be a lot older than your friend's parents, most likely. Also, I will be 65 when you are 15, and by the time you graduate from high school I will be nearly 70. While I am 50, I don't feel like I'm fully grown up in some ways, so I don't think my age will be too much of a barrier in our relationship. I still remember being a kid. I plan to stay fit enough to take you on a cross country bike trip, a long backpacking trip, maybe a kayak float down the Yukon, nordic hut to hut skiing, and more. I think by the time you are able to do those things, I will still be able to do them.

Your mom and I want to have another child after you, so for your new brother or sister the age thing will be even greater. Your mom only has a few more years to be able to have another child, and she's a little weary of being pregant for most of the last two years so we will try for another pregnancy not long after you are born.

by the way, we checked your heartbeat today and last night. You were a little sleepy today, so your mom was worried and we listened to your heart again today. Last night you had a bit of a kick for us when we were checking it. Both times you were pumping along at about 140-145 per minute.

I guess I should tell you that there was a big event this past week. I told you I had been spending time on the phone convincing people to vote democratic. The election was a big success for us. Democrats took over the majority in both the house and the senate, against the predictions of some 'experts.' I felt great about my small part in making that happen. I really enjoyed talking to people all over the country: New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, Nevada, Washington, California. and Nevada.

Anyway, we are expecting you to be born in 49 days. It's exciting and scary at the same time. I'll write again soon.
Love, aba

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