Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Hi sweetie,
Tonight I want to tell you a little bit about your mom and I. First, I guess I should say something about how we met. We were introduced by a mutual friend, Donna Frankel. I had met Donna online and we had dated a little bit. Donna told me that there would be no future for us because I wasn't Jewish. This frustrated me because she waited a while before telling me this. But, we continued to see each other occasionally on a friendly basis. Donna mentioned that she knew someone like me who was "driven," and said we should meet. So, the next time I saw Donna, who is a pretty high maintainence person, I said when do I get to meet this friend of yours?
Well, your mom didn't want to meet me right then. Donna hadn't told me but I learned later that your mom was sort of halfway broken up with a guy who was bad news for her. She was also recovering from a car accident and wasn't ready. Later your mom gave Donna the OK to give me her email address and phone number. So we traded chit chatty emails every now and then and traded pictures that way. Finally, we set a date to meet at a restaurant. It's funny to think back about it now, because your mom came to the restaurant from a yoga class and had on gym type pants. I say it's funny because she was dressed that way when we met, and now she hounds me because I like to wear what she call 'tights' all the time and she wants me to change when we go out in public. Anyway, we had a nice time and found lots of things in common to talk about. She was prettier than the one picture I had seen of her up to that point. I was taken by her dark beauty and trim figure.
The next time we saw each other, we met for a bike ride, meeting at your mom's work. I had gotten pulled over for speeding on the way there, and had to call her while the cop was in his car and tell her I might be late. We rode bikes around Sandy, ending up at the house she had just bought, which is where we live now. I think your mom thought she would out ride me, have to wait for me, etc. She had been a really good mountain bike champion in the past. But, I am pretty strong and had been riding more than she in recent years, so she said later that I impressed her with my riding. I was happy to have met someone who could ride with me. I know why I love riding, but it's hard to convince someone who doesn't do it why it's so compelling. Probably the key thing about that 'date' was how we parted. I think we shook hands, but I took her forearm in my hand and squeezed it a little. She knew what that meant, and says she thought "Oh, no. This guy wants to be serious." At the time she says she wasn't ready to go down that road, but fortunately, I wore her down and eventually married her.

Well, I made the title competition, so I better say something about that. Your mom and I are both pretty competitive so I think you might turn out to be that way, too. I don't have to be competitive at everything, but once you start keeping score on something, it's hard not to try your best to win. So, sometimes, we won't keep score. But, if we do, look out.

All right, keep sleeping and growing little one, we're getting ready for you....
love, aba

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