Monday, February 12, 2007

The Eulogy

I know this is a really a blog for Sidra but I have to write a post about Parker. He went to the Happy Hunting grounds on February 10, 2007. It was a very hard thing for both Carol and I. He was in failing health though his senses were sharp. He couldn't stand long enough to finish peeing.
That's not how I want to remember him though. I want to remember his exuberence for life, loyalty and play. He was unfailing in his devotion and showed it everytime you entered the house. Especially for me, he very nearly followed my every move. His attention almost never wavered from me as long as I was near him. He was insatiable as a playmate. He would fetch for as long as his legs would hold him, and since we didn't meet him until he was already 8 years old, we had to be careful not to push him too hard. He also was unparalleled at giving and receiving love. I want to remember how he would stand at the top of the stairs wagging and lowering his head waiting for me to come up to hug him. And how when sleeping outside or in a tent with him, you had to fight him for your share of the bed. He was a bit of a stress tab, when walking with us, he would constantly turn and touch his nose to your leg, as if to check to see that you were still with him.
He had some strange habits, too. Sometimes, he would be outside with me while I was working in the garage and though I knew he needed to pee, he wouldn't do it until you told him to. Sometimes he wouldn't eat unless you stood or sat with him while he ate. The best thing was that he never barked. In the time that we had him, he probably only barked a dozen times.
His presence in the house is now greatly missed. It will be a long while before I can wake up in the middle of the night without wondering where he is.
One of the best things about him was how he helped us through tough times after Noah died. He was the reason Carol got up on some mornings, to take care of him. In reality, he was taking care of her.
The picture shows him on one of his best days, the day carol and I got married. He had played hard the day before when we had a dinner at my folks house and the neices and nephews had run him around. He rested while we wed, looking majestic in his bow tie.
We won't forget him........

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Many Faces of Sidra

Hi Sidra,
The game your mom and I have been playing lately has been catch Sidra making a new face. It's a pretty fun game. You are making different faces for your varying emotions so there is plenty to look at. There is one pose where you make a tight circle with your lips so that it almost looks like you are trying to whistle. We haven't been able to capture you in a picture doing that yet, but we'll keep trying. Here we have a couple of good poses, one is just a few minutes old.
In your first few weeks, we bragged to everyone about what a 'good' baby you were. Meaning that you were very easy to please and not very fussy. Well, we still brag about you but your dispositon has changed a little. Now you are a little fussier when you are awake. You love to play with the toys on the side of the changing table, and you love to look at the monkeys hanging above your swing.
We were thinking about taking you on a long bike ride with us in May, the Reach the Beach ride. You would have ridden in the trailer. When I was searching for your first bike helmet, I found out that you probably won't be old enough to go on the trip in May. The suggestion was that we should wait until you are a year old before we do that. It bums me out, because I am very excited to take you with me doing something I love so much, but I can wait a little longer to make it safer for you.
Well, that's all for tonight.
Love, aba