Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Many Faces of Sidra

Hi Sidra,
The game your mom and I have been playing lately has been catch Sidra making a new face. It's a pretty fun game. You are making different faces for your varying emotions so there is plenty to look at. There is one pose where you make a tight circle with your lips so that it almost looks like you are trying to whistle. We haven't been able to capture you in a picture doing that yet, but we'll keep trying. Here we have a couple of good poses, one is just a few minutes old.
In your first few weeks, we bragged to everyone about what a 'good' baby you were. Meaning that you were very easy to please and not very fussy. Well, we still brag about you but your dispositon has changed a little. Now you are a little fussier when you are awake. You love to play with the toys on the side of the changing table, and you love to look at the monkeys hanging above your swing.
We were thinking about taking you on a long bike ride with us in May, the Reach the Beach ride. You would have ridden in the trailer. When I was searching for your first bike helmet, I found out that you probably won't be old enough to go on the trip in May. The suggestion was that we should wait until you are a year old before we do that. It bums me out, because I am very excited to take you with me doing something I love so much, but I can wait a little longer to make it safer for you.
Well, that's all for tonight.
Love, aba

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