Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Noahs Quest 2007

Hey Sidra,
We just had the second annual Noah's Quest this last weekend. It's an event your mom and I created to help people remember your brother and also raise awareness of stillbirth and infant loss. It turned out pretty well, we had about the same number of walkers/runners as last year. We had a few problems with the results again, and we will figure out how to fix those problems. You got to participate, too. Your cousin Audrey and her friend Rachel Perry pushed you around the course in the 5km run, using the jogger/trailer that we give you rides in. You wore your Noah's Quest shirt like we did, and were a big part of the day.
One thing that everyone does at Noah's Quest is light a candle for the baby that they lost. We of course lit one for Noah, and I was holding you when I lit one, and told you that I hoped you would light one yourself next year. It was the hardest part of the day for me, holding you in one arm and lighting a candle for your brother with the other. It represented the best and worst events in my life. Your birth and Noah's stillbirth.
At the same time, I felt very proud of your mother and myself for providing this event for others like us. The grief associated with losing a child at birth or shortly after is very misunderstood by those around the parents of the loss. Fortunately we had Pat Schwiebert speak to the group and help explain what parents who have lost kids go through. Not only does Noah's Quest help us remember him, it helps other parents remember their lost children. The way Pat finished her talk was by saying parents of lost children feel "if you ask my child's name, I may cry, but if don't ask about my child, you'll break my heart."
The pictures here were taken by your Uncle David, who came all the way from Boston to attend the event.
You got a little bit sick the night before the event. You woke up about 3:30am with a runny, stuffy nose. Actually, you were still sleeping, but your mom and I were awake worrying about you because your breathing was so noisy. So, it was a hard day for us, but you were great all day in spite of your illness. I am getting the idea that you are going to be a tough little cookie, and will be happy most of the time in spite of what we put you through.
More soon about how you are progressing really fast recently.
Love, aba

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