Thursday, June 28, 2007


Hi Sidra,
you have been making some big strides lately. We have been feeding you some solid food lately, and you are getting to like it. Well, I'll say this, the second time we got the spoon out in front of you you knew exactly what to do. You nearly lunged for it. Anyway your first food is rice cereal mixed with your mom's milk. You seem to like it. You are still a pretty messy eater, though. I like to use the bibs with plastic fronts because what drops on the bib can be easily scooped up and returned to your mouth. We tried some sweet potatoes with you yesterday, but I guess you didn't like those as much. I wasn't there to see, so I don't know. We will try those again later today. The trick is to introduce new foods one at a time so we can see if you might be allergic to the new food.

Also, you are getting really good at sitting up on your own. This morning when you woke up from your first nap, I sat you up on the bed and let you have some toys nearby and you stayed sitting and entertained yourself for about 20 minutes. We still don't leave you sitting on your own on hard surfaces, but on the bed we can leave you for a while. You still like standing up a lot. You can't do that on your own yet, but are getting close. I can believe that you will walk before your first birthday, maybe even sooner than that.

You do like the water, too. We took you out for a backyard swim in your little pool the other day. I used the sun to give you a nice warm pool to swim in, and you had a great time. You had trouble sitting on your own because the bottom of the pool was so slick, but you even enjoyed laying down in the water.
love you,

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