Thursday, August 02, 2007


It's been a busy and fast summer for us. It looks like I missed getting a post in here during July. You are now a few days past seven months old. We are beginning to butt heads over a few things. You have figured out how to yell pretty good when you aren't getting your way. It has been a little bit trying for us because you probably don't understand why we aren't picking you up and a holding you sometimes when you've made it clear that's what you want. We're trying to get the point across that you don't get to call all the shots, all the time. For example, you might be upset that you are still in the playpen or play center when you want to be held. We can't get you to understand that we want to pick you up and hold you, but first we need to finish that bowl of cereal, or pick up those toys you were using, or take the garbage out, or change clothes, or something like that.
I can't remember if I've put anything in any of these posts about your toughness, so I will mention it now. You have weathered a number of little tumbles and such without much whimpering. Like today, you got two shots at the doctor's office, and were done crying over it before we left the building. Even though we forgot to give you some tylenol before we went, like we were supposed to. And also today in your little backyard pool you held on to a new position you had learned until your arms gave out. Your determination lasted longer than your muscles. Your mom was also commenting about your 'grunting' when you are frustrated with something. She wondered where you get that trait. I said probably from both of us.
Well, you've had a busy summer, too. We moved into a new house in the first week in july. It was only next door, so the move was for more room. Anyway, you probably didn't get as much attention as you should have from us while we were tearing out carpet, painting, laying hardwood floor, and cleaning the new house. Not to mention packing and then unpacking.
But, you and I have a pretty good routine on some of these summer days. When your mom has to work, we go out for a bike ride (you sleep most of the way). Then when we get home we have lunch. Sometimes there is a disagreement about who should have lunch first. We had that little dispute today. But we settled it. Then you get some playtime in. Next is my favorite part. When you start to get tired, we go into our bed and I read to you until you fall asleep. Sometimes I fall asleep first. Anyway, I hope we continue to do that as you grow older.
Summer seems almost over, because soon we will fly to the east to visit family. Then shortly after we get back I will return to work. We are a little worried about how you will handle the flying. But, we had friend visit just this week and her daughter is just a little older than you. They said that they worried more than they needed to.
The photo captions here are: 1) my two best girls sleeping in, 2) My 7 month old daughter pretending to be a teenager watching tv, 3) The naked napper.
Love, aba

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