Well we just returned from a two week trip to the East Coast. That's four legs of airplane rides. We went first to Dallas, TX which took about 4 hours. Then the second leg was from Dallas to Boston and it took about 4 hours also. On the return trip we did the same thing except backwards. You did pretty well both coming and going. You didn't sleep as much as you would have if you weren't flying on the plane, or eat as much, but you didn't fuss too much, either. From Dallas to Boston on the trip out the flight attendants rearranged some passengers seating so that we got an extra seat for you. That made that part of the trip a lot nicer. Near that end of that flight the flight attendant asked if she could hold you and then paraded you up and down the full length of the plane. They also brought you a pair of wings since you were on your first airplane trip. On the flights home, you were showing off your walking legs by going up and down the aisle of the plane supported by me. I couldn't see your face but your mom says you were charming the passengers as you walked. I don't doubt it, strangers are always taken by you.
The reason for the trip was to visit family on the other side of the country. We stayed with your mom's aunt Deb. Living in the same house is your mom's cousin Dina and her family, husband Timmy, and daughters Mia and Grace. Mia had her sixth birthday the day after we arrived but her mom told us that Mia was more excited about your arrival than her birthday. Deb lives in a 'two family house.' Deb lives on the first floor and Dina's family has the second floor. The third floor and basement are shared areas. We slept on the third floor, which could be kind of hot on warm days.
We also spent a couple of days in Maine in a house rented by your uncle David and his family. The house was on Long Lake. You did some swimming there in your 'floaty' and rode in a motorboat while your mom water skied behind it. Your uncle got you a nice life preserver to wear while you were in the boat. You didn't care for it too much, I think because the vest was necessarily stiff. You took your bath in the kitchen sink and as the picture shows you tried to suck on the faucet. Luckily for us, the bat who lived in the house was evicted before we arrived.
You did a lot of things while on this trip. I said several times while we were away that the astounding thing to me is that you won't remember any of this when you get older. I guess that's one of the main reasons why I am writing this, so you will know about it. Anyway, probably the most significant thing you did was go to your first Red Sox game as the stadium scoreboard shows. Your uncle David had the good fortune to have the opportunity to rent one of the luxury boxes at famed Fenway Park. It is close to becoming a historic building, built in 1912. It is the oldest ballpark in the major leagues and is the site of some historic happenings in baseball. It might have been more important to me than you as it was my first Red Sox game (in Fenway Park) too. Also, your uncle David's neighbor's son works for the

You did a lot of other stuff besides going to the game, too. You rode on the 'T' several times. You visited the New England Aquarium and Faneul Hall. You rode the swan boats in the Boston Common. You visited the 'Make way for Ducklings' statue in the Common and posed for pictures with your aunt and cousins. You went to
Our meals were fantastic on the trip. Your mom's aunt Deb and your uncle David kept us very well fed. Everything they prepared was excellent, and so was the dinner at your uncle Ben's. I arrived home about 5 pounds over my usual weight, in spite of cycling a lot of miles.
When you got home you became very attached to your playpen. It is a little different than the one you spent time in back east. The side bars are just a little lower and you've discovered that you can reach them from a sitting position and pull yourself up. So for the last two days you've been standing up and sitting down, standing up and sitting down...The only problem is occasionally you fall down onto your back and can't get up. Then you get upset. But while standing on the side you are getting pretty casual about holding on with only one hand, and sometimes letting go completely. Just a minute ago you were on the bed and I was next to you. You used me to get up on your feet, then balanced with one hand, then let go. You stayed up for about a second untethered. You will be walking soon.
Well, the trip was really good for the family. The hosts were very happy to have us and were tickled to get to see you. They know you will be a lot different the next time they see you. Your mom has declared that this was the first of annual trips to the east. That's ok with me, I found some good places to ride my bike and there are tons of other things to do with you there.
Love, aba
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