Friday, March 28, 2008

Tuesday Club


You probably won’t get to be part of a true Tuesday Club gathering because of your age but yesterday you got a taste of what it might be like. Actually, you got to be the only attendee at this meeting and thus got all the attention. I guess I should first tell some history about the Tuesday club, and I welcome any corrections to my account.

Maybe ten years ago or so, my mother, your grandmother was puzzling about how she could manage the requests of her children to supervise their kids (her grandkids) during the summer months. She came up with the idea that she would entertain all of the grandkids on Tuesdays. So, Tuesday club was born. But my mother, whose life’s work has been in public education didn’t just put out a couple of snacks and provide a yard to play in. The club eventually had a song and some secret signs. The club took field trips and had other activities. My mom planned lessons for each grandkid specific to them, their ages ranging over about 10 years. There was even sports instruction handled by my dad.

So yesterday you were treated to an afternoon with my mom. I brought you there and then took my bike out for a ride. My mom showed her expertise right away by diverting you from potential disappointment when I left by quickly changing your focus. Then you got to read all the books my mom had pulled out for you, play with toys and puzzles, and even a had a mini field trip to see your cousin’s baby lamb.

So, I just wanted you to know how lucky you are to have my mom as your grandma. I hope you get to tell her yourself some day.

Love, aba


aba1102 said...


Anonymous said...

Sidra, we had lots of fun the day your dad left you with us. We played with lots of toys amd read ots of books. I learned that you already had read Pat The Bunny book because you knew all of the things to do.

We went outside and walked and looked at the sheep. Your eyes got really big when the mama sheep went BAAAAAA!

Grandpa spoiled you by giving you cookies!!

We will have more fun days ahead.

Love you, Grandma and Grandpa