Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Terrible Twos?

Hi Sidra,
We keep waiting for the 'terrible twos' to begin, but nothing like that is happening. We think that this may be the most exciting time of raising you. Your personality is emerging more everyday and you learn constantly. Your speech is catching up with your cognitive ability so now we know more about what you're thinking.
Of course you're not quite perfect, but we don't have many complaints. You have developed a desire to sleep in the big bed with us. The only problem with this is that we wouldn't mind watching a little grown up type television in the last hour before we fall asleep at night. You don't seem to think that our requests for you to lie still in the bed and not try to look over the pillows at the TV are serious until we actually put you in your crib. Then you realize we mean business.
Anyway, you also are making potty progress. You have pooped on the toilet twice this week and once told the girls at the sports club day care that you needed to pee. Your poops were not at your suggestion, but at our suggestion both times, but you might be about to the point of being able to say when you need to go. We did buy you some 'big girl' underwear a couple weeks ago to boost your incentive.
That was the day of your first trip up an escalator. I had to go to a bike shop that was in a Mall. Since you had to be in the car for quite a while that day, I thought we would go in the mall so you could stretch your legs a little. Well we found out that Target had an escalator and we went up and down about 6 times. They also had a little device that carried the shopping carts up and you were fascinated by that, too.
Something else you've gotten to like is typing on the computer. We set you up with Word running with really big font and you tap away at the keys. The video here shows you doing that. Now, you have to listen close because you have the sweetest little voice and only raise it when you're really distressed, but you say the following in the video: "That's O", "That's M", "Y" (which I was psyched about because earlier this morning you were saying Y was W), "There it is(about S)", "zero", "J", "that's 9", "H", and of course "Hi Babes."

That's all for now.......
love, Aba

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