Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pride of Accomplishment

Hi Sidra,
I have a couple of stories for you today. They both say something about your developing mind and personality. First, I'll tell about something that happened today. It involves the Pooh Friends as they are known by in our house. They are in the picture. They are your companions in the bathroom, which is to say they are bath playmates but also you like to have them sit on the counter and 'watch' while you are on the potty. Well, we had a road trip to Grandma's house yesterday and the Pooh friends went along. Today on your first visit to the potty you had to accept stuffed animals Hefelump and Eeyore (who is in the Pooh family but not included in the set of bath toys) because the Pooh Friends were still in the diaper bag way downstairs. That worked out without incident. Later while cleaning downstairs I thought of something that you could do to help out. (we've let you handle the swiffer since you've been able to walk, but you're less interested in it now.) I asked you to take the Pooh Friends upstairs and put them in the bathtub. You accepted the chore with glee, happy to help out. I peeked through from the hallway to see you on about the third stair and then turned back to my task. An instant later I heard what could only be you tumbling down the stairs. I rushed over to find you at the bottom. You are becoming a really good speaker but your communication still doesn't rate 100% clarity. I was able to determine that you didn't have any specific pain that was worse than being scared. After some consolation you were determined to finish the chore. I watched you all the way up the stairs this time and you did fumble the toys a couple of times but made it up to the top safely (you've only had two mishaps on the stairs that I know of so this one surprised me). Then I went back to my chore. When you returned downstairs you came and found me and said, while beaming and jumping up and down, "I did it! I did it!" You were so proud of yourself, and so was I.
The other story is from a couple of weeks ago. It's about the video that is on this post. Originally, I meant to record you saying "I love you" without any other voices on the recording. I figured I might edit out my voice and maybe on one of the 'takes' you might do better than the others. I was using my digital camera which will take 15 seconds of video at once. So as I was recording, I was watching the 15 seconds count down and that's why I keep asking you to repeat it. It turns out that what is priceless is your change in tone and body language as you respond to my repeated requests.

Also, you've become a pretty good singer. You have been heard singing with pretty good clarity Ring Around the Rosie and Rock a Bye Baby. And, when asked what you were doing today you clearly said, "Playing with Puzzle." Conversations with you are more interesting everyday.
That's all for now. Keep growing up.
Love, Aba.

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