Sunday, August 16, 2009

Girl Power Volume 4

Hi Sidra,

Well, today was the last full day that the Brookline girls will be here. We took them to some of our favorite spots again. The weather finally got a little better and there would be nice views up on Mt. Hood, so we went to Timberline Lodge to get a close look at that mountain and a long look at some others.

In one picture if you look really carefully over Grace's left shoulder you will see Mt. Jefferson. There was a little haze in the air so you have to work hard to make it out. In the other mountain picture you'll see Mt. Hood, the highest peak in Oregon. Mt. Jefferson is the second highest peak in the state. We were at a vantage point just a shade over 6000 feet above sea level. I told the girls that they were higher than any point in their home state. Nearly 3000 feet higher, it turns out.

Inside the Lodge at Timberline we ran across the mascot of the place, Bruno. He's a big St. Bernard that hangs out there. You all enjoyed showing him some love.

On the way home from the mountain we stopped at a local attraction that we like. It is the miniature train right here in Sandy. You've enjoyed this little activity a couple of times and we thought our visitors would too. They did and for the first time you rode with someone other than me on the train. Your cousin Rachel helped you ride.

When we got home the sun fooled us into thinking that it might be a good time to swim in the backyard pool. It wasn't very warm, though, and the water was really cold. You finally were able to stand in the pool for a whole minute and your cousins did last a little longer, but not much.

It's going to be a sad departure in the morning. We've all had a good time with our visitors here this week and all wish it could last longer. This week will make us want to make the trip east for a visit next summer.

Love, aba

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