Saturday, August 22, 2009

On Stage

Hi Sidra,

it's been a month since we did the open mic night with your mom. We had a another one last night and we did the same thing, helping your mom set things up and then you were first to perform, and then you and I went for pizza while the others were performing.

But this time we decided to bring the camera and record your performance. You hogged the mic for about 7 minutes but I trimmed it down to about a minute to post here. You are quite the ham.

Also, this week we took you to Oaks Amusement Park. You enjoyed that quite a bit. You asked immediately to go back. You were clearly exhausted, as your mother and I were too, but as we were leaving you wanted to go back for more. We promised another visit on another day. You liked the slide the most, I suppose, because we went back to repeat that several times. You also rode the Ferris wheel, the kiddie cars and planes, the tugboat, the miniature train, the balloons, and the carousel.

And, we are still in the early stages of the big girl bed, so there's another episode of that to report. We started trying to get you to bed/sleep at about 9:30 last night. Your mom read you some books, then I laid in bed with you and read my book for a while. During that reading, you were supposed to lay still and try to sleep. You were grabbing my pages, poking me in the eye, and generally flopping around. I said you had to stop or I was leaving and closing the door. You persisted so I had to follow through. You were upset, we compromised on a half closed door. Your mom went and laid down with you for a while. She finally came out and we began watching our 'adult' movie, behind our closed door. You soon appeared peeking around the door as you cracked it open. Instead of finding mom there the first thing you see is mean old dad, and I said
'Sidra, you have to go back to your room.' You tried once more a couple minutes later and then apparently gave up and went to bed. We checked on you about 20 minutes later and you were asleep.

Love, Aba

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