Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch

Hi Sidra,

You had a couple of big events this weekend. We went to the pumpkin patch in nearby Boring to get a couple of pumpkins and have some fun. Besides picking out some pumpkins, you played in the 'corn box' which is like a sandbox but filled with corn kernels and has bones hidden in the corn. You also rode the small carousel, went through the small but uncovered maze, and the 'tunnel maze.' I went with you in the tunnel maze and we took our flashlights as we knew about this from our visit last year. Mom couldn't come along in her very pregnant condition. We decided that after going to the enchanted forest a couple of months ago when we felt pretty claustriphobic in one dark passage. So you and I went in alone and that's how we got the picture of you holding your flashlight inside the maze. I know it doesn't look the same in a flash picture, but we were really pretty deep in the maze when I took the picture. Last year we would have been stuck in the maze without the help of two nice girls using a cell phone for light. Maybe next year we won't cheat and take our flashlights.
Another thing you did was take a pony ride. This pony was quite a bit shorter than Becky's tall horse and you weren't the least bit afraid of riding it. In the picture you can see the big field full of pumpkins behind you.
Then we finally went out in the patch and picked a couple of pumpkins. I picked a great big one, you got a tiny one and mom got a medium sized one. You even had your own wheelbarrow to bring your pumpkin in to the scales to be weighed. Not only that, but you gave the woman your dollar for your pumpkin yourself. It might have been your first transaction.

The weekend before that was pretty rough at our house. You and your mother were both pretty sick and we also lost a member of the family. Our dog Jessie is no longer with us. He had been very sick, too. We didn't know how sick until he was unable to get up on his own and the veternarian told us what he'd found. He was especially good (patient) with you and his absence has left an empty space in our lives. We've tried to explain his story to you, but we don't think you understand it yet.

The other thing you did this weekend was attend a birthday party for a friend from school. It was actually the school director's daughter who turned 3. You got to pull on the Pinata, go on a hike, and be entertained by a clown. The clown even painted your face. You got lots of treats and small toys, too. You had a good time and had lots of candy. It gave us some ideas about what we might do for your birthday party.

Love, Aba

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