Monday, December 21, 2009


Hi Sidra,

I didn't know when I got up this morning that I could comment on your penmanship. I didn't know you could do much writing other than a circle. You must be getting some practice at school. And obviously you are getting better with your fine motor skills.

This morning I was writing a list and you wanted to take part. I decided to give you a chance to do your own writing instead of trying to share my list with you. Actually I got the idea for this activity by reading with you from your magazine "Highlights." There is a story about a girl who writes to a relative and it's mostly scribbles and loops although she tries to make an 'M ' because her name begins with M. So I wondered if you would be able to do that. I thought I might give you some help by providing a trace of the letter. By George, you did it on the first try and did well with several more attempts. I was "blown away" to quote your uncle Ben. You can see your first three 'Ss" here. You did about 10 for me altogether.

I also wanted to thank you for dancing with me. It was a couple weeks ago and we were listening to the modern version of Oh Hannuka by Aaron Baron Cohen. I really like the song and you were a great dance partner. We did a little mini hora together. It was cool for me because I've always been a pretty self conscious dancer. You had no preconceptions of what good dancing was so you were just happy to have a partner. Your mom probably would have joined us but was busy in the kitchen. I just wanted to write about it so I would remember to talk with you about it when you're older.
The song plays on the video here.

Love, Aba

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