Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Smiler

Right now you are in your crib watching the mobile. You've been in a really good mood this morning and smiling a lot. You have the sweetest smile. And the sweetest voice, when you are not yelling. I am in the other room listening to you, and you are calling your contentment with the mobile. I am a little upset with you from last night. You wouldn't take the bottle of mom's milk from me. You did let your mom feed it to you. So, I am hoping we will get over that and I can feed you later today. Mom is out on her Saturday morning travels right now. She teaches a class on Saturdays and you and i hang out together.
You have changed a lot in the last month. Of course, you've gotten bigger. But you used to hit things with your hands, but you didn't have much control over it. Now you can reach for things and grab them a little. Then you seem to have trouble letting go sometimes. But you are taking an interest in things you can see a lot more, too. Also, you are beginning to sleep longer at night. Not every night, but last night for instance, you slept from midnight until 7am, which really pleased your mom and i, so we were able to get rest, too.
now you are sitting on my lap. We are going to go for a walk to get the newspaper soon. You are just a little angel right now.
Ok, signing off. I won't wait another month before the next post, I promise.
love, aba

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