Monday, April 09, 2007


Good Morning Sidra,
A few days ago I gave in. You had been acting like you'd like to suck your thumb since you were born. In fact, you had been seen in sonograms before you were born with your hands in front of your face, and maybe even with a thumb in your mouth. The first week you were born you seemed to try it a couple of times but were easily discouraged. But recently, you really got a hankering for it and started doing it with both your hands.
I fretted over this, hoping that you would use a pacifier instead. So, when you really got a jones on for the thumb, I tried to dissuade you. I quickly realized that I couldn't watch you every second and pull your thumb out and replace it with the pacifier. You were too relentless, you could wait me out and find a way to sneak your thumb in. So, I gave in. I was worried that letting you start the habit would be bad for your teeth and require braces to correct it later on. But I found out that your teeth aren't in Jeopardy until you are about 4 or 5 years old. So, if we can get you to stop by then it will be ok. So, I will not lose any sleep over it now. It is interesting to note that both your mom and I were thumbsuckers as children, too.
Now I think I wrote earlier that you had rolled over, from front to back. You haven't really done it since that one time, so I think it was a fluke. Yesterday, in front of a wide audience of relatives, you rolled three times. I was stunned. But, the couch you were on was slightly slanted. Later in the evening, at home, you couldn't do it again. We've been practicing, so it should be happening soon.
You've been out in the sun lately, as we've had some nice weather. Today is not the day, but a couple of days in the last week have been nice and you've been outside. We like taking you out, but if you ride in the stroller, you fall asleep pretty fast and miss all the sights.
Oops, I almost forgot! We took you swimming at Kahneetah. It's a place in central oregon which has a hot springs and usually drier weather than here. So, you swam in the pool, well, we held you in the water, and we got you a little air mattress like floating device that you were able to lie in by yourself. You didn't protest the water at all. I wouldn't say you are a fish yet, but you seem to be comfortable in water.
That's all for now,
love, aba.

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