Saturday, December 08, 2007

Almost a Year

Time has passed quickly since you were born. Even now, I see pictures of you a few months ago and you seem to have changed so much. I guess it's hard to notice day to day changes but if you look back only a month things seem so much different for you already. I suppose that for us this will be the most exciting part of your childhood because you are going to change so fast. You've already progressed from a few halting steps at a time to confident striding wherever you want to go. The crawling disappeared this week. Soon you will be running and going on a scooter.
Anyway, the thing I really wanted to write about is how you make me feel. When I come home, whether it has been two days or two hours, you come to greet me. Every time, it makes my heart swell. It swells a little bit each time you show interest in doing something with me, even if it is only taking a walk down the hall to a different room. Maybe it's because it's hard for me to compete with your mom because the two of you at this stage in your life (and probably for most stages of your life) have a really tight bond to each other. So, any time that I get to have your attention I feel a warm glow.
I recently read a book that said since God can't command children to love their parents they are commanded to honor them instead. I guess I am grateful that at least for the moment you show me affection and I hope that doesn't fade.
I didn't put any new pictures up, but I've discovered I can put in a link to one of your videos, so here it is.

sidra video

Love, aba

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