Sunday, December 30, 2007

First Day of Skiing


On December 25th we took you up to the mountain for your first time in the snow. Actually, you weren’t in the snow that much but your mom and I went for a play day on the mountain and we took you along. You have ridden in the bike trailer a lot already, and this time you rode in it while I cross country skied. The bike trailer can be used for skiing with some keen attachments.

So you were all bundled up in your snow suit with two pairs of tights and a jacket underneath. It was a pretty cold day but not snowing or blowing. We dropped your mom and Jen off at Timberline where they went skiing/snowboarding on the lifts there. Then you and I went down to the Trillium snow park to do our thing. You were a trooper as we went around the Trillium lake loop. As we went down the first pitch I said “whee” and told you that would be the most exciting part of the ride for you. I tried to sing to you when I wasn’t too out of breath but I’m not sure you could hear me. Then after a half hour or so you were asleep so I stopped singing. It took about an hour to finish the loop.

When we got back up to where the car was I took you out of the trailer and let you stand in the snow. You are used to surfaces that are completely flat and the snowsuit doesn’t really have booties for walking in. So I am explaining why you didn’t stay on your feet very long. But you looked like you were going to try getting up so I thought I would let you do it yourself and busied myself with taking apart the trailer to put it back in the car. Soon you started crying. When I picked you up I realized that your hands had slipped out of the snowsuit gloves and you were bare handed against the cold hard snowy ground. When I got you fully upright I saw that you had had your face against the snow, too. You weren’t very happy. It took you quite a while to get over that one.

The picture here was taken just before you had your face plant and lost your temper.

It was great fun. I can’t wait until you can ski along with me.

Love, aba

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