Monday, December 24, 2007

Giving the Sign

I can't remember if I've mentioned it before, but we've been trying to teach you sign language since you were about 4 or 5 months old. You've been watching videos called 'signing times' probably 5 times a week since then. Also, we try to show you the signs as often as we can ourselves. The idea is that you will be able to clearly communicate with us by sign before your speech abilities will allow you to talk with us. In addition, you should be a better communicator with speech once you are capable.
Anyway, I think you are beginning to finally give your first signs. Yesterday, I think you gave the sign for eating, indicating that you were hungry. We've also noticed that you're giving a sign that is like 'thank you' to us when we give it to you. Like when we ask you to bring us something and we say thank you in word and sign, and you say thank you (we think) back. We've been watching you pretty carefully because we know that when you give the signs it will probably not be a textbook performance but your own version or dialect.
We're pretty excited about it and when you start doing it regularly we will get some pictures or videos posted so you can see.
On a another note, I am continually amazed at the devotion you show me while also being very comfortable with strangers.
Only 5 days until your first birthday! Uncle Ben will be here tomorrow. The picture here is the one we sent out as our holiday greeting to everyone.
'til next time....
love, aba

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