Friday, November 13, 2009


Hi Sidra,

Your little sister is home now. You met her yesterday. I took you to the hospital with me when I went to bring Shira and your mom home. You ran over to see her as soon as you saw us coming and sort of ignored your mom, who you hadn't seen in a few days. You've been doing pretty good for the day that you've been an official big sister. You are like Curious George, always willing to help out even if you aren't asked and sometimes get a little too exuberant.

If you do the things that you have talked about doing in the future Shira will be very lucky to have you as her big sister. You've said that you will hold her hand, help change her diaper, share your toys, give her a binky when she needs it, hold her and some other things. Some of the things you want to do for her are a ways down the road but that's okay. As long as you keep your word. I was just interupted in writing this because I was helping you get the binky for Shira. You were pretty good in being gentle with her.

You also are developing into a relentless child consumer. There was a Toy's R US insert in the Sunday paper, I think. Anyway, you got a hold of it and began checking out the toys, followed obsessing about a Barbie veterinarian kit. It would help you sort of reenact an event that occurs in a Curious George story. You believe that you can get it for one of the upcoming holidays but don't seem willing to wait. It's quite amazing the story you can tell about what you can do with these toys.

I'm sure there will be more soon.

Love, aba

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